What makes Organic Cotton different from traditional cotton?

What makes Organic Cotton different from traditional cotton?

Summer is here. The sun shines with all its glory above, ice creams melt faster in your hands than your mouth. The crowds throng to beaches and pools and the heat even gets people to cool off in the local fountains. When the weather hits its peak heat, all you can imagine is for you and your children to be extremely comfortable. Cotton products thus have been worn and used for centuries.

Cotton is a pure natural cellulosic fibre. It grows in a protective case around seeds on a cotton plant. It is strong, breathable, and lightweight. It can be made on an industrial scale, which makes it very affordable. Due to its popularity and demand, pesticides, chemicals, and unethical practices are often used in production.

Traditional cotton has been grown over the years keeping in mind the demand rather than the cost to the environment and the people involved. And thus, the recent times have seen a shift towards organic cotton products. All cotton comes from the plant but what makes the difference is the production process.

Here are 5 reasons why organic cotton is different from traditional cotton?

  1. Use of pesticides & GMO seeds - Traditional cotton uses genetically modified seeds (GMO) to build resistance to bugs. But as the bugs get stronger more pesticides are required. Organic cotton on the other hand uses natural seeds with zero use of any chemicals and pesticides. It uses compost, dung, and beneficial insects which combat pests by natural means.
  2. Water usage - Organic cotton uses significantly less water as compared to traditional cotton. A pesticide-free soil and natural seeds make the process much more water efficient. Organic cotton is also grown using natural rainwater and water stored in the soil rather than irrigated water.
  3. CO2 emission - By avoiding fertilizers and employing fewer mechanical farming techniques, organic cotton emits 46% less greenhouse gas than conventional cotton. The soil also functions as a "carbon sink," absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere.
  4. Impact on the environment and the people - The chemicals sprayed for higher production can devastate entire ecosystems. They end up killing not only weeds but also wild plants and animals. Regular use of which can also reduce soil quality. The fertilisers can have several health consequences on the local farmers and villagers. In contrast, organic cotton not only supports a diverse ecosystem but also improves soil quality naturally. It is better both for the environment and the people involved.
  5. Quality - Organic cotton is also much softer and more durable than traditional cotton. Organic cotton is grown in a natural environment, where it is not exposed to harsh chemicals. This also makes it resistant to fading and shrinking, meaning it will last much longer than traditional cotton. Since it is not exposed to pesticides and other chemicals, Organic cotton is hypoallergenic which is healthier for you and your baby.

To summarise, Organic cotton is produced without the use of synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers. This reduces the amount of toxins and pollutants released into the environment. Making it a much more sustainable option.

Additionally, organic cotton is grown using methods such as crop rotation and composting. This keeps the soil healthy and nutrient-rich, which helps reduce water consumption and soil erosion.

Looking for a healthier world for your baby? At Make Make Organics we use 100 % GOTS-certified organic cotton to make all our products. You can check them out here.